Supported many sides view and you can allow customer add new side view.
Supported multiple area design on one side view.
Supported change product color with color picker
Supported add a product with same design and different variants (color, material, size...) to cart.
Supported save note of customer for print.
Customer can change color of elements product.
Allow add new custom view.
Customer can add more view like add page of book.
Customer can save or load design saved.
Allow download file type: PDF, SVG, PNG with 300DPI.
Allow add watermark on preview.
Watermark added on thumbnail when customer download by 'save as'.
Allow find design templates and show on each category.
Auto fit size of design template to area design very fast.
Allow edit design template after import.
Supported add text heading, text basic and text arc or add from list text template.
Supported change font, size, color, font style, text align, space, outline, transparent, flip...
Allow find artworks and show on each category.
Supported change size, color (with svg support change color), align, fit, transparent, flip...
Allow upload photo or use from photo library.
Supported change size, crop photo, add shape, add filter, align, fit, transparent, flip...
Supported add team name, team number on design.
Supported change font, size, color, font style, text align, space, outline, transparent... like a text
Allow setup size quantity for each team member
Allow add qrcode.
Supported change type, qrcode content, color, background, align, fit, transparent...
Allow add barcode.
Supported change type, barcode content, color, background, align, fit, transparent...
Show/hide ruler.
Allow add, remove guide line
Allow zoom in/zoom out design to design easier.
Supported undo/redo maximum 30 steps.
Supported hotkey working on desktop.